Converting an I/O Expansion Module from V1 to V2 (Different Models)
Technical Note 7021
Applicable Model(s)
Converting an I/O Expansion Module from V1 to V2 (Different Models)
When switching from one module to another all allocations of the internal tags must be deleted before an I/O slot can be changed, this includes switching from a V1 to a V2 module. This is the simplest way that does not require deleting all tags and objects, noting that this may be a time intensive process for complex projects.
Create alternative tag(s) such as tagname_1 (making sure it’s the same data type).
Any instance that tagname is used switch it to the alternative (tagname_1).
Once all tags have been switched, in I/O allocation change to desired module.
Replace the alternative tag to the desired tag from screens and logic blocks (e.g., tagname_1 back to tagname).
Erase the alternative tags (e.g., tagname_1).
In the I/O Allocation Expansion Tab, the M1210Y0201 V1 module is being used for this example.
To switch to HMC3-M1210Y0201-V2, remove the tags associated with the V1 module with alternative tags in:
all logic/screens/tasks/monitor windows/etc.
The user will now be able to remove and add a new module, as well as reallocate the alternative tags to the desired tags. Below is an example switching from a M1210Y0201 (V1) to a M1210Y0201-V2 module:
Screen 1 with three objects associated with the module’s tags:
The tag associated with all the objects are as follows:
Below is the original logic block:
If at this point we wanted to switch to another module, a V2 of the same module for example, we would get this error message:
From this error message we know all the tags that are being used, so we can now start creating new tags to represent the ones we need transfer to the new module. We create the three new tags, adding the “_1” to the original tag names, shown below:
Now in every instance that the original tag is mentioned place a “_1” so it addresses the new tag, below is what the screen 1 would look like:
And what the Logic Block would look like:
Now we can update the slot to the new module, in this case the M1210Y0201–V2:
The last step is to delete the “_1” from each tag, this will allocate it to the module’s internal tags. Below is what the tags should now read in the screen and the logic block:
This process will be time intensive if there are many I/O specific tags being used throughout a project. There is one other option, but it only works between the same model of I/O expansion units (e.g., M1616P-V1 and M1616P-V2), a technote (TN7020) for this option is available on our website.