Find a Distributor
Here’s the compiled list of all our distributors in United States, Canada and other countries. Please use their website or contact number to all your purchasing needs.
U.S Distributors
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | United States | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
1 | ipdesign | 21/01/2024 08:12 AM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:11 PM | Alabama | DigiKey | Online store | | 800-344-4539 |
7 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:12 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:12 PM | Alabama | Gexpro/Rexel (Mobile) | Also see: CA, GA, IL, IN, LA, MA, MI, NC, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TX | | 251-479-6000 |
8 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:13 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:13 PM | Alabama | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Mobile) | Also see specific state | | 256-721-3500 |
9 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:13 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:13 PM | Alaska | DigiKey | Online store | | 800-344-4539 |
10 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:14 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:14 PM | Alaska | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Kent, WA) | Also see specific state | | 253-796-6222 |
11 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:15 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:15 PM | Arizona | DigiKey | Online store | | 800-344-4539 |
12 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:15 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:15 PM | Arizona | Kaman/Minarik (Tempe) | Also see: NC, MN, MA, CT, ID, MT, WA, UT, NV, NJ, CA | | 480-921-7161 |
13 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:16 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:16 PM | Arizona | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Phoenix) | Also see specific state | | 480-831-2002 |
14 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:16 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:16 PM | Arkansas | DigiKey | Online store | | 800-344-4539 |
15 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:17 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 07:17 PM | Arkansas | Logic, Inc. (Springfield, MO) | Also see: MO, KS, IA, KS, IL, NE | | 417-889-8893 |
United States | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
Nation Wide Distributors
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | United States | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
1 | ipdesign | 21/01/2024 08:12 AM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:56 PM | National | AA Electric | | 800-237-8274 | |
3 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:53 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:53 PM | National | DigiKey | Online store | | 800-344-4539 |
4 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:53 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:53 PM | National | | | 877-999-7077 | |
5 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:54 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:54 PM | National | Gexpro/Rexel | | 888-443-9776 | |
6 | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:55 PM | ipdesign | 29/01/2024 06:55 PM | National | RS (formally Allied Electronics) | See Specific State | | 885-476-5398 |
United States | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
Canadian Distributors
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Canada | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
1 | ipdesign | 21/01/2024 08:12 AM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:10 PM | Alberta | DCI Technology (Calgary) | | 403-720-4885 | |
7 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:10 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:10 PM | Alberta | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Ottawa, ON) | | 613-228-1694 | |
8 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:10 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:10 PM | Alberta | T & T Power Group (3 Phase Power) (Calgary) | Also see: BC, SK, MB, ON, NB, QC | | 866-458-7959 |
9 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:11 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:11 PM | Alberta | T & T Power Group (3 Phase Power) (Edmonton) | Also see: BC, SK, MB, ON, NB, QC | | 780-437-3073 |
10 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:11 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:11 PM | British Columbia | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Ottawa, ON) | | 613-228-1694 | |
11 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | British Columbia | T & T Power Group (3 Phase Power) (Delta) | Also see: AB, SK, MB, ON, NB, QC | | 604-940-7740 |
12 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | British Columbia | T & T Power Group (3 Phase Power) (Prince George) | Also see: AB, SK, MB, ON, NB, QC | | 250-562-4343 |
13 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:12 PM | Manitoba | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Ottawa, ON) | | 613-228-1694 | |
14 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:13 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:13 PM | Manitoba | T & T Power Group (3 Phase Power) (Winnipeg) | Also see: BC, AB, SK, ON, NB, QC | | 204-430-8508 |
15 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:13 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:13 PM | New Brunswick | RS (formally Allied Electronics) (Ottawa, ON) | | 613-228-1694 | |
Canada | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
International Distributors
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | International | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |
1 | ipdesign | 21/01/2024 08:12 AM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:25 PM | Africa | Ohmic Controls (Victoria, New South Wales, AU) | | 61-2-9820-5055 | |
7 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | America (Central, South) | Desarrollos Digitales (Mexico) | | 55-5669-01-65 | |
8 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | America (Central, South) | PAS Technologies (Puerto Rico, Caribbean Islands) | | 787-752-2370 | |
9 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:26 PM | America (Central, South) | SPC Ingenieria (Costa Rica) | | 506-2265-1860 | |
10 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | Antarctica | Ohmic Controls (Vicotoria, New South Wales, AU) | | 61-2-9820-5055 | |
11 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | Asia | BDI Worldwide (China, India) | | 36-1-2311029 | |
12 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:27 PM | Asia (Southeast) | Ohmic Controls (Victoria, New South Wales, AU) | | 61-2-9820-5055 | |
13 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | Austrailia | Ohmic Controls (Victoria, New South Wales, AU) | | 61-2-9820-5055 | |
14 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | Europe | BDI Hungary, LTD (Hungary, Poland, Romania) | | 36-1-2311029 | |
15 | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | ipdesign | 30/01/2024 10:28 PM | Europe | Cully Automation (Ireland) | | 01-601-4012 | |
International | Location | Other Offices | Website | Phone |