Convert HMI5043L/LB/DL to cMT2058XH
By upgrading your HMI5043L/LB/DL to the new cMT2058XH, you will gain more features, experience the new System Settings Interface, change from Light Mode to Dark Mode, higher screen resolution, add more memory, get a faster processor, have a brighter screen – and have it fit into the existing panel cut-out.
We have also created a short video to help you discover how effortless it is to upgrade your HMI5043L/LB/DL to the advanced cMT2058XH. Our short video guide walks you through the process step-by-step, making it simple and easy to enhance your project from HMI to cMT.
Comparing the HMI5043 Series of HMIs to our cMT2058XH:
- Screen Resolution: The cMT2058XH has a screen resolution of 800 x 480 compared to the HMI5043s 480 x 272.
- Viewing Angle: The cMT2058XH has a wide viewing angle of 160/160 (H°/V°) compared to the HMI5043s 140/120 viewing angle.
- Front Panel: The cMT2058XH has a sleek, black overlay compared to the two-toned light grey and dark grey overlays on the HMI5043s.
- Processor: The cMT2058XH has a Quad Core 64-bit RISC 1.5 GHz processor compared to the HMI5043s Dual Core 32-bit RISC 600 MHz processor.
- Memory: The cMT2058XH has 4GB Flash and 512MB RAM compared to the HMI5043s 128MB Flash and 128MB RAM.
- Operating Temp: The cMT2058XH operates between 0-50°C compared to the HMI5043s 0-45°C operating temp.
- New Hardware Features: By upgrading to the cMT2058XH, you will now have the ability to change the display from light to dark theme. Also, the new System Settings Interface places commonly used functions at the top of the menu and provides more consistent layout, icon style, fonts, and colors. Users will now experience improved system feedback with enhanced responsiveness.
Visit Converting a Basic/Advanced HMI Project to a cMT Series for troubleshooting and conversion tips.
Visit our YouTube Playlist for short tutorials showing how easy the conversion is from an HMI to cMT Series HMI, how to convert stacked objects to a Combo Button, and how to replace EasyPrinter with FTP.
The HMI5043 Series HMIs were programmed with EZware-Plus and/or EBPro. All of our current HMIs are configured using our EBPro software. EBPro is free and offers more features than EZware-Plus, enabling you to enhance your existing projects, or design new projects with features such as:
- IP/Web Cameras
- Animation (objects, word lamp, GIFs, moving shapes
- CMT Viewer, Media Player, PDF Reader
- Web Streaming, WebView
- MQTT: Advanced JSON, AQS IoT, Sparkplug B, Azure IoT Hub, Google Cloud IoT Core. and more
If you are still working with EZware-Plus, you can quickly convert and import your existing EZware-Plus project into EBPro with a few simple steps.
- Download both software version FREE from our Support Center
- Follow Tech Note 5125 to convert your project
Make sure to save your original HMI project separately from your newly converted cMT project. Once your project is converted for use with a cMT Series device, it cannot be used with an HMI Series model.
If multiple HMIs in the field are still in operation, and you’re incorporating new cMT product, you will have to maintain separate projects. One for HMI, one for cMT. If updates to the project are needed, make sure to update the HMI project first, then convert that to cMT.
If you need more assistance, we can help with that, too. Contact us at for more information.