Applicable Model(s)

HMI5000 Series
cMT Series


Download a Project to an HMI with a USB Flash Drive or SD Card








This technical note describes how to download an EBPro project to a Maple Systems HMI with a USB flash drive or SD card.



Open the project in EBPro and compile the project (Project > Compile).


Select Build Download Files… from the Project menu.


In the dialog box, under Select the folder to save download data: use the Browse button to select the location of the USB drive or SD card to save the project to. Click Build.  When the process is complete the message Download data created successfully appears. Click OK and click Exit.

HMI5000 Series
cMT Series


A folder named emt3000 (or mt8000) will be created on the root (main) directory of the USB flash drive or SD card. For your cMT device, a *.cxob file titled ‘project.cxob’ will be placed in the root directory of your USB flash drive.


Remove the flash drive from your computer and connect it to the HMI. When a flash drive is inserted into the HMI5000 Series, the following dialog is displayed:

HMI5000 Series
cMT Series
DownloadTransfer data from the flash drive to the HMI.
UploadTransfer data from the HMI to the flash drive.
Restart Project and ExitClose the dialog and restart the HMI.
CancelClose the dialog without transferring.
Time RemainingThe dialog will automatically close after 10 seconds if no selection is made; shows the time remaining.

NOTE: The Download/Upload dialog box can be disabled. If it does not pop up when the USB flash drive or SD card is installed, open the System Settings in the HMI and enable it on the Miscellaneous tab.


Select Download. A dialog box appears requesting the Download password and what data to download. The default password is 111111.


If a USB flash drive is being used to download the project, select the folder under the usbdisk folder (disk_a_1) and then click OK. If an SD card is being used, select the folder under the pccard folder (SD_MMCO_1). If the project is in a folder on the USB drive or SD card, select the folder just above the emt3000 (or mt8000) folder.

NOTE: Do not select the mt8000 (or emt3000) folder, but the folder just above it.

USB Flash Drive
cMT Series

When working with a cMT Series HMI, enter the password, then click the boxes for the data you want to download from the USB Flash Drive. In this case, just choose the project. Click the File Browser icon, navigate to the usbdisk/disk_a_1/ folder, and select the ‘<project>.cxob’ file.


Click OK to download the project from the USB drive or SD card to the HMI. When the download is complete, the HMI automatically reboots and runs the project.

NOTE: The storage device can be left with the HMI as a backup should the project need to be downloaded to the HMI again.

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