Applicable Model(s)



Converting from HMI5070TH to HMI5071L or HMI5070B








This document details the steps necessary to transition from a HMI5070TH to a current HMI5000 model.  Although the conversion, in most cases, is easy – the information below also outlines some of the notable differences between the models. 


Maple Systems offers several 7” HMIs that provide an upgrade path for your HMI5070TH. For almost all conversions, the transition requires little effort.

When considering which particular HMI to replace your HMI5070TH, please note that not all replacement models are identical.  The two models we shall discuss here are considered to be drop-in replacements since they have the same panel cutout as the HMI5070TH.  However, the table below shows some hardware variances which may affect your decision:

Display Brightness (nits)375400300
SD card slotYesYesYes
AudioLine OutNoNo
Overlay / Enclosure ColorBlackLight GreyDark Grey
Serial Ports3 Com1[9P]: RS232 Com1[9S]: RS485 2/4W Com2[9P]: RS232 Com3[9S]: RS232 Com3[9S]: RS485 2W2 Com1[9P]: RS232 Com1[9S]: RS485 2/4W Com3[9S]: RS485 2W1 Com1[9P]: RS232 Com2[9P]: RS485 2/4W  
VESA mountYesNoNo

NOTE: This table is not a complete specification for each product and is only intended to highlight important differences.  For more detailed information, visit the Maple Systems Support Center.

Software Conversion Procedure

Important: Please read this entire document before proceeding with the process.

Upload Your HMI Project from the HMI5070TH

Unless you have stored your HMI project in a PC, you may be required to upload the project from the HMI. Follow these simple steps to upload the HMI project:


With the EZware-5000 configuration software installed onto your PC, open the EZware-5000 folder, and click on the Project Manager app:

Windows start menu screenshot


Connect the HMI5070TH to your PC using either a crossover Ethernet cable or a 7431-0115 USB cable.  Click on the Settings button to enter the correct Upload password (default: 111111). For Ethernet, enter the correct IP address of the HMI.

NOTE: To determine the IP address of the HMI, click on the small black left arrow located on the bottom right corner of the HMI screen.  Four icons should appear- click on the Information icon to display the HMI network address


Click the Upload button:

EZware-5000 screenshot


Click the Project checkbox, make sure that the correct HMI model (HMI5070) is listed and enter a name (*.XOB) for the project you are about to upload.  Then click the Upload button:

EZware-5000 screenshot

Decompile Your Project


Before you download the project into your new HMI, you must first decompile the project using EZwarePlus. Start EZwarePlus:

EZware Plus Screenshot


It is not necessary to start a New project, simply click on the Cancel button.


Click Tool…Decompile:

EZware Plus Screenshot


Locate your uploaded HMI project using the Browse button in the EXOB file name section.

By default, EZware Plus saves the new file in the same directory but you may want to click on the Browse button in the Project file name section to relocate the new file in your EZPlus\project directory.


Click the Decompile button.  After the “succeeded” text appears, click the Exit button.

Open your MTP project file in EZwarePlus


Click File…Open. Locate the *.MTP project file that you created in the last step and then click the Open button. The project opens and, in addition, displays the System Parameter Settings window:

EZware Plus Screenshot


By default, EZwarePlus selects the HMI5070P as the best model that represents the HMI5070TH.  If you are replacing the HMI5070TH with a HMI5070P, leave this setting.  Otherwise, select from the HMI model pull-down box the correct HMI model that you are using.  Then click the OK button.

If the HMI5070P was selected, no further modifications to the project are necessary.  You may proceed to compile the project, and download the project to the HMI.


Selecting any of the other HMI models may cause a popup window to appear (depending upon the differences between screen sizes):

EZware Plus Screenshot


There are four options for resizing the project:


Resize pop-up windows: this option enables EZwarePlus to resize or expand all of the windows in the project to match the screen resolution of the HMI.


Resize objects: if checked, this option will also resize or expand all of the objects displayed in the window screens of the project to match the resolution of the HMI.


Resize keyboard windows– this option resizes the popup windows used for the numeric and ASCII keypads to an appropriate size for the new HMI.


Resize function key objects– this option resizes each function key of the keypads as well.

In general, it is best to select all of the options above for a ‘best fit’ to the new HMI screen size.  If in doubt, simply try various settings and save the results as different project filenames, then go through your screens and see which selection best meets your needs.


Click OK. Now you can proceed to save, compile, and download the project into your new HMI.

Differences between EZware-5000 and EZwarePlus

Although you generally should have little trouble transitioning to the new EZwarePlus software and HMIs, there are some incompatibilities that may affect you.  EZware-5000 had a feature called SOE (Sequence of Events) which is not supported in EZwarePlus. In addition, there are a few communications drivers for obsolete PLCs in EZware-5000 that are no longer supported in EZwarePlus.  As with any transition, it is best to review each screen and the general operation of the new HMI to ensure that it is performing as expected in your application.

NOTE: For more information on how to download a project file into the HMI5000s, consult the HMI5000 Series Programming Manual or the Help files that are included with the EasyBuilder-5000 configuration software.

Serial Pinouts

HMI5070TH to the HMI5070B:

HMI wiring diagram
HMI wiring diagram

HMI5070TH to the HMI5071L:

HMI wiring diagram
HMI wiring diagram
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