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Configuring a Done Bit for the HMC7-MI-O1 High Speed Counter








The HMC7-MI-01 16 input I/O Module has built-in High Speed Counter (HSC) functionality, however, there is no built-in register to indicate that the counter has incremented past the HSC preset value. This technical note describes how to set up a ladder logic block that will set a bit when the preset is reached.


Tag Configuration:

In MAPware-7000 first configure HMC7-MO-01 in Slot1 and HMC7-MO-02 in Slot2 then the relevant expansion port with the HMC7-MI-01 module.  This is done from the IO Allocation –> Expansion folder of the project directory.

Fig. 1 – I/O Module Configuration

MAPware-7000 will automatically allocate the tags in Table 1 when the IO module is configured.

Table 1 – Tags automatically allocated when IO module is configured in port:

HSC Enable Bit (CH1)- Slotnn*Mnn080*When set the HSC counter register will increment as the counter input toggles
HSC Reset Bit (CH1)- Slotnn*Mnn081*When set the HSC counter register will be set to zero
HSC Configuration register(CH1)-Slotnn*MWnn000*0:Normal Operation, 2: HSC ** To access the HSC counter register this register must be configured with 010b = 2 in the three least significant bits
High Speed Counter (HSC) Register (CH1)- Slotnn*MWnn01*HSC current value
HSC Preset Register (CH1)- Slotnn*MWnn03*HSC preset value
HSC Enable Bit (CH2)- Slotnn*Mnn176*When set the HSC counter register will increment as the counter input toggles
HSC Reset Bit (CH2)- Slotnn*Mnn177*When set the HSC counter register will be set to zero
HSC Configuration register(CH2)-Slotnn*MWnn06*0:Normal Operation, 2: HSC ** To access the HSC counter register this register must be configured with 010b = 2 in the three least significant bits
High Speed Counter (HSC) Register (CH2)- Slotnn*MWnn07*HSC current value
HSC Preset Register (CH2)- Slotnn*MWnn09*HSC preset value
* nn corresponds to the port number in which the module is configured e.g. if the module is configured in port 5, nn will be 05
** See the module quick start guide for more information on configuration register settings

In addition the tags in Table 2 need to be manually configured. Tags are configured in the Tags folder of the project directory. To add a tag right click in the tag list and select add. Table 2 shows the tags configured for to enable a done bit for HSC Channel 1, to implement a done bit for HSC Channel 2 the tags will need to be duplicated with different addresses.

Table 2 – Tags manually configured to implement HSC done bit using HMC7-MI-01:

HSC Counter Local (CH1)- SlotnnD0000Buffer to save HSC counter register value in “D” memory
HSC Counter Low Word (CH1)- SlotnnD0000Buffer to contain  two LEAST significant bytes of the HSC COUNTER register
HSC Counter High Word (CH1)- SlotnnD0001Buffer to contain two MOST significant bytes of the HSC COUNTER register
HSC Preset Local (CH1)- SlotnnD0002Buffer to contain HSC Preset register value in “D” memory
HSC Preset Low Word (CH1)- SlotnnD0002Buffer to contain  two LEAST significant bytes of the HSC PRESET register
HSC Preset High Word (CH1)- SlotnnD0003Buffer to contain two MOST significant bytes of the HSC PRESET register
Enable HSC Done Bit (CH1)-SlotnnB0000Setting this bit enables the compare logic
HSC Done Bit (CH1)-SlotnnB0001Bit to indicate that the low word of the counter has reached the low word of the preset
HSC High Word Done Bit (CH1)-SlotnnB0002Bit to indicate that the high word of the counter has reached the high word of the preset
* The tag names and addresses used here are only suggestions. Any D register can be used as long as the offsets are maintained, e.g. if D3145 is used for the counter’s low word then D3147 should be used for the counter’s high word.

Ladder Logic Configuration:

Once the tags are created a logic block can be constructed to copy the values in the 32 – bit HSC registers to internal registers, where the individual words can be compared using ladder logic instructions.

Create a new logic block by right clicking on the Main folder and selecting New Logic Block.

In the logic block insert two rungs and add a NO contact configured to read the Enable HSC Done Bit … in each rung. Next add a Move DW instruction to transfer the values from the High Speed Counter (HSC) Register… register and the HSC Preset Register… register to the HSC Counter Local… and HSC Preset Local… registers. Configure the built in HSC tags as the Operand A (Source) of the Move DW instructions, and the Local tags as Operand B (Destination) of the instructions. The High Word and Low Word tags will automatically be aligned to the proper word in the “Local” tags.

Figure 2 – Move DW Instructions for copying HSC data to “D” addresses
Figure 3 – Move DW Instruction Properties Configuration

Next create logic to compare the individual words of the counter and preset registers. The logic must be implemented as shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Truth Table for HSC Done Bit

ConditionDone Bit
HSC Low Word < Preset Low Word HSC High Word < Preset High WordFalse
HSC Low Word > Preset Low Word HSC High Word < Preset High WordFalse
HSC Low Word < Preset Low Word HSC High Word = Preset High WordFalse
HSC Low Word >= Preset Low Word HSC High Word = Preset High WordTrue
HSC High Word > Preset High WordTrue

The ladder logic segment in Figure 4 implements the logic in Table 3.

Figure 4 – Compare Ladder Logic

This logic rung uses two branches the first branch uses a greater than  instruction to set the HSC Done… bit if the high word of the counter register is greater than the high word of the preset register. This corresponds to the second True condition in Table 3. Configure Operand A with the HSC Counter High Word… tag. Configure Operand B with the HSC Preset High Word… tag.

The second branch uses two compare instructions in a series (AND) configuration.  the enable bit and the HSC High Word Done … bit as normally open input conditions. Then there are two compare instructions in parallel (OR) configuration.

 The first compare instruction is a Greater Than Or Equal to instruction that compares HSC Counter Low Word… (Operand A) to HSC Preset Low Word… (Operand B). 

Thus if the logic is enabled AND the high word of the counter is equal to the high word of the  preset register AND the low word of the counter register is greater than or equal to the low word of the preset register THEN the HSC Done Bit is set. This corresponds to the first TRUE output in Table 3.

The second compare instruction is a Greater Than instruction that is configured to be true if the HSC Counter High Word(Operand A) is greater than HSC Preset High Word(Operand B).  This corresponds to the second true entry in Table 3.    

NOTE: If the HSC counter register is incremented past 232 the register will roll over and continue counting from zero and the done bit will be cleared.

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