Applicable Model(s)



Comparison Between the MAP320B and MAP320D








The MAP320D uses the same enclosure and display as the MAP320B, but includes additional features that make it more capable and easier-to-use.

DOS-based configuration softwareWindows-based configuration software
Separate protocol PROMProtocols downloaded from configuration software
Separate configuration software for each protocolAll supported protocols in configuration software
No CE markCE mark (passes strenuous tests for noise immunity and emissions)
Local setup mode entered using a 3 key ‘secret code’Local setup mode entered by pressing Enter 3 times
Eagle Signal Micro90 Series protocol supportedEagle Signal Micro90 Series protocol not supported
Local programming (configuring the messages from the MAP320’s keypad) supportedLocal programming not supported
Six LCD viewing anglesTwo LCD viewing angles
Keypad arrangement changed slightly. New custom inserts and overlays are required
Terminal block for communications and power wiringDE9S connector for communications cable and removable power connector
Power and communications cables attach to back of OIT through the back enclosurePower and communications cables attach to bottom of OIT through the back enclosure

The following software features were added to the MAP320D:

  • Latched Function Keys – A latched function key sets a function key coil when pressed and requires the PLC clear the coil.
  • Retentive Function Keys – When the retentive function keys feature is enabled, the function keys retain their last known state during loss of power to the OIT.
  • 10 Register Monitors – Each message line can contain up to 10 register monitors (only 4 were previously available).
  • Extended Character Set – Each message line can display characters from an extended character set that includes some symbols and foreign characters.
  • Blinking Text – Each message line can include blinking text and/or blinking register monitors to highlight important information.
  • Automatic Startup Message – Any message line can be configured as the startup message to be displayed whenever the OIT is reinitialized or powered up.
  • Current Message Register – The Current Message Register informs the PLC of the message line last displayed on the OIT.
  • The Signed, Decimal, 4-Digit BCD, 8-Digit BCD, Long, 1/0-binary, On/Off coils, Bank8, and Bank16 register monitor formats are now available for all PLC protocols.
  • ASCII Register Monitor Format – The ASCII format displays PLC coils using any ASCII character string. In addition to On/Off (the only ASCII strings available on the MAP320B) the MAP320D allows 30 user defined ASCII character strings. Examples are Up/Down or Forward/Reverse.
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