Create Your Own Legend:

1. Select OIT Model

By default, the Keypad Legend Generator (KLG) displays a blank screen. A screen with two option buttons is shown:

  •  24-Key Unit (OIT3165/85, OIT4165/85)
  •  16-Key Unit (OIT3175, OIT4175)

Select the desired model, then OK. A blank legend is then created.

2. Set Background Color

Select a color to paint the legend background.

3. Configure Keys (Key Attributes)

Select a key, then select Edit Key. Alternatively, double-click on the key. The Key Attributes screen will be shown for the selected key with the existing settings for the selected key. If any key locations are not to be used, they can be deleted. If the legend needs additional keys, those can be added.

NOTE: The SYMBOL area allows the selection of a foreground image to be placed on the key. Unlike the background image, this image may be sized and positioned anywhere on the key.

4. Save and Print

Under the File Menu, select Save, then Print. The Keyboard Legend will be printed via your default Windows printer.

Download Keypad Legend Generator (Compatible with Windows XP and earlier versions)

View Technical Note: “Creating Keypad Legends”

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