MySQL is a powerful tool that can be used with our cMT HMI series to help collect and display data for easier monitoring and analytics. MySQL is a relational database management system that uses SQL, or Structured Query Language, as the query language to access data in the database.
By connecting a Maple Systems cMT HMI to a MySQL database you can collect, organize, and store your data in a flexible and trusted database system. This places important information users need to make business decisions in a format easily accessible to corporate IT systems.
MySQL is:
- Free, open-source
- Well-supported and widely used
- Provides secure data storage
- Can be integrated with our cMT HMIs, and Industrial Panel and Box PCs
Easy configuration software makes using MySQL with one of our cMT HMIs easy. By using the Database Server object in the software, a cMT HMI unlocks the tools you need to:
- Synchronize data and event logs to a remote MySQL server on the local network
- Use third-party software, such as Microsoft® Office Excel to display that information
- Easily manage the data on that MySQL server