An HMI is allowed up to 1GB of
data per month at a data rate of 100 KB/s. Once you have reached the 1GB limit,
the data rate drops down to 5 KB/s.
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To show the data being used by
the HMI, enable “Show all HMI Network traffic” in the EasyAccess 2.0 app’s
Settings window. Here is a screenshot that shows where the option is located.
Click on the “gear” icon in the upper-right in the EasyAccess 2.0 app to open
the Settings window:
style=”width: 624px;” data-filename=”EA2_Settings.jpg”>
If the HMI frequently reaches
the 1GB limit per month, you can purchase a Top-up Card to extend the amount of
data the HMI can use at the faster data rate of 100 KB/s. A 5GB Top-up Card and
a 10GB Top-up Card are available for purchase. Each is good for one year.
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