I’m having hard time sending an email from my Maple Systems HMI using my Google Gmail account.

Tags: FAQNetworkingAlarm

I’m having hard time sending an email from my Maple Systems HMI using my Google Gmail account.

Google has accounts restricted for third party app/device access. To unlock a Google account to interact with a new device, you need to login to a special Gmail link at https://www.google.com/accounts/UnlockCaptcha.

Then access the email account within 10 minutes with the application you want to be allowed (i.e., send an email from your Graphic HMI). Google will then remember the device and allow access to your account in the future.

NOTE: Google accounts usually show devices authorized to use the account, but details of the HMI are not captured by Google. However, the account will continue to let the HMI access Gmail.

NOTE: If the device (HMI) does not send an email for long periods of time (more than 10 days) Gmail will lock the device again and emails will be blocked. If the HMI will not be sending emails regularly we recommend setting up a dummy account and send emails to it daily using a scheduler object.   

Content Created by David Franzwa
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