To turn on Monitor Mode in cMT-Viewer:
1. Click on the “gear” icon in the upper-right corner to open the
Settings window.
2. Click on the “More settings” lock icon and enter the password
(default: 111111).
3. Click on the General tab and turn on “Monitor mode.”
4. Close the settings window.
5. If you are currently logged in to an HMI, use the orange Start
button in the upper-left corner of cMT-Viewer to minimize the view. You will
see a small view of each HMI on the screen. If Monitor Mode has been enabled in
the project on the HMI (System Parameters > General tab), Window 3 will
appear in the Monitor view, otherwise it will show the startup window.
(Note: If an HMI shows “Connecting” and doesn’t show Window 3, try connecting
to it in EasyAccess 2.0 by clicking on the double-arrow icon.)
6. Click on any HMI to view it in cMT-Viewer.