Converting from your RMI5001 is quick and easy, giving you several key hardware and software upgrades along the way.
Below is a quick video showing you the easy process of converting your current RMI5001 project to one that can be used in the cMT-FHDX-820. This process will need to be completed using EBPro version or later.
There are a few software features which are different, or new, for your cMT-FHDX-820 compared to your old RMI5001.
- The cMT-FHDX-820 can have a custom resolution configured all the way up to 1920×1080, which is the default
- Layered objects are not supported
- General mode security is disabled
- System keypads are built-in
- Some objects have new, or different, settings
For a more detailed look at the software differences please take a look at both products through our Compared Models tool on our website linked below:
Below you will find a table that shows the hardware differences between the RMI5001 and the cMT-FHDX-820.
For more information and pricing, please contact us at