Can I reverse the word order for a registers I’m reading on a PLC?

Tags: FAQObjectsNetworkingDataModbus

Can I reverse the word order for a registers I’m reading on a PLC?

This depends on the driver. Some drivers will allow you to configure the word order globally for the driver. This would be done from a Data Conversion button on the Device Settings window. In EBPro go to <i>Home > System Parameters > Device > Settings… > Data Conversion </i>. The Modbus driver has options to swap byte, word or double word order for 64 bit registers:

In addition the Modbus driver has the 5x register type. This reads holding registers by swaps the word order. You can use this to reverse the word order on a particular address, without affecting the the whole driver. <br />

For more information refer to the Controller Information Sheet for the driver you are using.

Content Created by Mike Sheldon
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